
Bir rəqəmsal marketinq mütəxəssisi brauzerdə Facebook ads manager səhifəsi açıq olarkən səhifəni yeniləmək (refresh) məqsədilə CTRL + R tıklayanda içimdə qəribə bir məyusluq hissi olur. Səbəb kimi həmin qısayolun ads managerdə başqa funksiya üçün istifadə edilməsidir.

Facebook ads managerdən daha “səmərəli” istifadə üçün qısayollarla işləməkdə fayda var. Bəzi brauzerlərdə olan qısayollar Meta Ads Manager açıq odluqda fərqli nəticələr ortaya qoya bilər. Məsələn,

➡️ CTRL + R Normalda səhifəni yeniləmək üçün istifadə edilən bu qısayolla ads managerdə draftda olan kampaniyalara baxış keçirmək üçün istifadə edilir.

➡️ CTRL + I Seçilmiş “kampaniya”, “ad set” yaxud “ad” üzrə fəaliyyət tarixçəsini izləyə bilirsiniz.

Belə ki, əgər siz böyük şirkətdə və bir neçə adminin olduğu ads managerdə çalışırsınızsa bəzən ortaya çıxan sualların ən yaxşı cavabını məhz tarixçədən də tapa bilərsiniz. Xüsusən də, uzun müddət davam edən reklam kampaniyası üzərində olan dəyişikliklərə də eyni komabinasiya vasitəsilə baxa bilərsiniz.

Yox əgər Ads managerdə olan bütün qısayollarla tanış olmaq istəsəniz ads managerdə CTRL + Shift + / kombinasiyası ilə mövcud bütün qısayolları görə bilərsiniz.

14 replies on “Facebook ADS Manager-də qısayollar”

Extended Opportunitysays:

BIG NEWS: there’s a brand new software being launched today that legally tricks AI chatbots into recommending YOUR website.

Go check it out here ==>>

That’s right: Just imagine…there’s 1.5 billion people using AI chatbots every day.
What if every time someone…

-> Searched for “best laptops for my needs”… the AI would show them your website?
-> Asked ChatGPT for “best doctors in my city”… it would send them to your local client’s business?
-> Begged Google Gemini for “FAST weight loss”… you guessed it, Gemini would FORCE them to visit your site, display your affiliate offer and fill your pockets full of sales!

This is a TRAFFIC & SEO revolution unlike anything that’s ever come before.

This is YOUR chance to legally “hijack” traffic from 1.5 billion AI chatbots users and funnel it straight to any offer, site, product – for yourself or your clients!

Get your copy here ==>>

Extended Opportunitysays:

BIG NEWS: there’s a brand new software being launched today that legally tricks AI chatbots into recommending YOUR website.

Go check it out here ==>>

That’s right: Just imagine…there’s 1.5 billion people using AI chatbots every day.
What if every time someone…

-> Searched for “best laptops for my needs”… the AI would show them your website?
-> Asked ChatGPT for “best doctors in my city”… it would send them to your local client’s business?
-> Begged Google Gemini for “FAST weight loss”… you guessed it, Gemini would FORCE them to visit your site, display your affiliate offer and fill your pockets full of sales!

This is a TRAFFIC & SEO revolution unlike anything that’s ever come before.

This is YOUR chance to legally “hijack” traffic from 1.5 billion AI chatbots users and funnel it straight to any offer, site, product – for yourself or your clients!

Get your copy here ==>>

Extended Opportunitysays:

Are you still using Calendly to schedule your calls and meetings?

If your answer is yes, then you are actually hurting your business not helping it…

Calendly is limited, doesn’t unlock the full potential of your business…

And to make matters worse, they charge you monthly…

What a joke…

But you don’t have to worry, because my good friend Kundan is about to change the entire market …

You see, he just launched his newest creation AI Calenderfly…

The world’s first appointment-setting app that is fully powered by AI…

It will do all of the heavy lifting for you on complete autopilot…

AI meeting scheduling
AI reminders
AI tracking
And much much more

You can even accept payments live, and collect leads…

But it gets even better…

You don’t have to pay a penny in monthly fees…

Click here to watch AI Calenderfly in action and secure your copy at the lowest price possible…

Extended Opportunitysays:

Are you still using Calendly to schedule your calls and meetings?

If your answer is yes, then you are actually hurting your business not helping it…

Calendly is limited, doesn’t unlock the full potential of your business…

And to make matters worse, they charge you monthly…

What a joke…

But you don’t have to worry, because my good friend Kundan is about to change the entire market …

You see, he just launched his newest creation AI Calenderfly…

The world’s first appointment-setting app that is fully powered by AI…

It will do all of the heavy lifting for you on complete autopilot…

AI meeting scheduling
AI reminders
AI tracking
And much much more

You can even accept payments live, and collect leads…

But it gets even better…

You don’t have to pay a penny in monthly fees…

Click here to watch AI Calenderfly in action and secure your copy at the lowest price possible…

Extended Opportunitysays:

Are you still using Calendly to schedule your calls and meetings?

If your answer is yes, then you are actually hurting your business not helping it…

Calendly is limited, doesn’t unlock the full potential of your business…

And to make matters worse, they charge you monthly…

What a joke…

But you don’t have to worry, because my good friend Kundan is about to change the entire market …

You see, he just launched his newest creation AI Calenderfly…

The world’s first appointment-setting app that is fully powered by AI…

It will do all of the heavy lifting for you on complete autopilot…

AI meeting scheduling
AI reminders
AI tracking
And much much more

You can even accept payments live, and collect leads…

But it gets even better…

You don’t have to pay a penny in monthly fees…

Click here to watch AI Calenderfly in action and secure your copy at the lowest price possible…

Extended Opportunitysays:

Are you still using Calendly to schedule your calls and meetings?

If your answer is yes, then you are actually hurting your business not helping it…

Calendly is limited, doesn’t unlock the full potential of your business…

And to make matters worse, they charge you monthly…

What a joke…

But you don’t have to worry, because my good friend Kundan is about to change the entire market …

You see, he just launched his newest creation AI Calenderfly…

The world’s first appointment-setting app that is fully powered by AI…

It will do all of the heavy lifting for you on complete autopilot…

AI meeting scheduling
AI reminders
AI tracking
And much much more

You can even accept payments live, and collect leads…

But it gets even better…

You don’t have to pay a penny in monthly fees…

Click here to watch AI Calenderfly in action and secure your copy at the lowest price possible…

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July 2024
